Kelly Calculator for Simultaneous Bets
This python script is designed to calculate the optimal bet sizes for multiple simultaneous bets, utilizing the Kelly Criterion as a methodology. By inputting a set of given bets and bet sizes, the script calculates the expected log wealth, and employs Stochastic Gradient Descent to adjust the bet sizes in a way that improves pay off. This process is repeated for a specified number of iterations.
Additionally, the script offers the option to discount the payoff by a “risk-free rate” for scenarios where bets will be resolved at different dates.
To experiment with the script, set the following variables:
: these are the probabilities that are implied by the bookie’s oddsfair_odds_win
: these are the true probabilitiesresolve_date
: these are the future dates when the bets will resolverisk_free_rate
: this is the rate used to discount future payoffdiscount
: whether to discount the bets
import torch
from datetime import datetime
t = torch.tensor
provided_odds = t([0.95,0.2,0.1])
fair_odds_win = t([0.9,0.5,0.9])
number_of_bets = len(fair_odds_win)
payout = 1/provided_odds
risk_free_rate = 0.06
resolve_date = [datetime(2023,1,30),datetime(2024,1,26),datetime(2030,1,26)]
discount_rate = t([(1+risk_free_rate)**(( for date in resolve_date])
discount = True
if discount:
payout = payout*discount_rate
#def exp_wealth(fair_odds_win, payout, bet_size): results = torch.mul(fair_odds_win, torch.mul(payout,bet_size)); return results.sum()
def exp_wealth_log(bet_size):
win_prob = torch.cartesian_prod(*([t([odd, 1-odd]) for odd in fair_odds_win]))
win_status = torch.cartesian_prod(*([t([1, 0]) for i in range(0,number_of_bets)]))
event_prob =, 1)
log_payout_matrix = torch.log(torch.sum(win_status*bet_size*payout, 1)+1-torch.sum(bet_size))
log_wealth = torch.mul(event_prob,log_payout_matrix).sum()
return log_wealth
bet_size = t([0.0] * number_of_bets, requires_grad = True)
lr = 0.005
def apply_step(bet_size):
result = exp_wealth_log(bet_size)
result.backward() += lr * = torch.clamp(, min=0, max=1)
if > 1: =
bet_size.grad = None
for i in range(1000): apply_step(bet_size)
Further Reading: